Release Notes

March 4, 2024
  • NEW Alpha 4.0 release of this Norwegian K-12/Schools OneRoster (OR) 1.2 Service Provider Conformance Test System (SP-CTS). The additions made to the Alpha 3 release are: 1) Many more tests have been added; 2) The new extension fields in the metadata properties for the AcademicSession, Enrollment, Org and User classes has been added (this also covers the extensions in the GradingPeriod, School, Student, Teacher and Term endpoint payloads. This system MUST NOT be used for formal certification testing. It is made available to enable early adopters to start trials with the Norwegian K-12/Schools OR 1.2 conformance testing.

Febuary 15, 2024
  • NEW Alpha 3.0 release of this Norwegian K-12/Schools OneRoster (OR) 1.2 Service Provider Conformance Test System (SP-CTS). This version supports testing for all of the base specification OR 1.2 'read/pull' endpoints, the new Rostering Service endpoints and the NEW Absence Service endpoints. The data model changes supported are new enumerations of the class.classType, enrollment.role.type, user.role.type, student.role.type, teacher.role.type and org.type properties; the new enumeration for userIds.type; and prohibition of several of the demographics properties. It does not support full testing of the query parameters. This system MUST NOT be used for formal certification testing. It is made available to enable early adopters to start trials with the Norwegian K-12/Schools OR 1.2 conformance testing.

January 29, 2024
  • NEW Alpha 2.0 release of this Norwegian K-12/Schools OneRoster (OR) 1.2 Service Provider Conformance Test System (SP-CTS). This version supports testing for all of the base specification OR 1.2 'read/pull' endpoints, the new Rostering Service endpoints and the NEW Absence Service endpoints. It DOES NOT support the data model changes. It does not support full testing of the query parameters. This system MUST NOT be used for formal certification testing. It is made available to enable early adopters to start trials with the Norwegian K-12/Schools OR 1.2 conformance testing.

December 20, 2023
  • NEW Alpha 1.0 release of this Norwegian K-12/Schools OneRoster (OR) 1.2 Service Provider Conformance Test System (SP-CTS). This version supports testing for all of the base specification OR 1.2 'read/pull' endpoints and the NEW Absence Service endpoints. It DOES NOT support the data model changes or the new Rostering Service endpoints. It does not support full testing of the query parameters. This system MUST NOT be used for formal certification testing. It is made available to enable early adopters to start trials with the Norwegian K-12/Schools OR 1.2 conformance testing.