1EdTech Norwegian K-12/Schools OneRoster 1.2 Profile
Service Provider Testing Configuration of the Test System

This is the configuration form, for an Implementation Under Test (IUT), to the 1EdTech Norwegian K-12/Schools OneRoster 1.2 Profile of the OneRoster (OR) v1.2 specification. These tests are performed by the OR v1.2 Service Provider Conformance Test System (SP-CTS): Release Alpha 4.0 (2024-03-04). The OR SP-CTS is used to test Service Provider implementations of the Norwegian K-12/Schools ORv1.2 Profile. The OR SP-CTS is designed to test all of the mandatory features required for conformance but it will also test all of the features that an implementation makes available operationally.

The IUT features that are tested using this version of the conformance test system are:

  • Rostering endpoints (required and optional) with OAuth 2 Bearer Token
  • Resources endpoints (required and optional) with OAuth 2 Bearer Token
  • Gradebook (Pull) endpoints (required and optional) with OAuth 2 Bearer Token;
  • Assessment Results (Pull) endpoints (required and optional) with OAuth 2 Bearer Token;
  • Student Absence endpoints (required and optional) with OAuth 2 Bearer Token.

Follow the simple steps listed below to configure this test system so that it can be used to test the IUT:

  • Select the certification mode i.e. is certification of a new product, a new version, recertification or cross certification
  • Enter the details about the product and contact information
  • Enter the details about the service and access to the OAuth 2 Authorization Server;
  • Once all of the details have been entered, click on the 'Save and Run' button to start the actual tests.

Most of the configuration details are determined by the Norwegian K-12/Schools OR 1.2 SP-CTS itself. This self configuration involves an initial interaction with the endpoints for the IUT to establish which of the endpoints are supported.

If any difficulties are encountered contact Colin Smythe at 1EdTech.

IUT Service Provider Configuration Selection
Certification Mode for the IUT   New Product (the first time this product has been subjected to any 1EdTech certification)
  New Version (new version of a previously certified product)
  Recertification (a certified product/version, this is unchanged, being recertified)
  Cross Certification (a product/version, that already has a certification for another 1EdTech specification)
IUT Submission Details

Note: [1] All the above fields MUST be completed.

Note: [2] Completion of the above two fields is optional.

  TLS 1.2
  TLS 1.3